Our Philosopy
At Nebo Crossing Junior Academy, we believe learning is a natural attribute that only needs to be nurtured, caring and understanding. Here, every little voice counts – every idea is celebrated, and creativity is encouraged. We believe that learning can be part structured and part play – that every child is different, and so is the way they learn.
Life is about experiences – both good and bad. We focus on nurturing and providing an environment of excellence so that your child can learn through a variety of different paths by focusing on strengths, on positive experiences and through natural curiosity and passion for understanding – all leading to a common goal of setting and accomplishing goals.

Our Culture
Internally, Nebo Crossing Junior Academy celebrates a culture of diversity, and flexibility – but also one that challenges teachers and support staff to become a better version of themselves. At NCJA, we are all friends, we all share a like-minded goal of enriching and enhancing the lives of the children we are so honored to teach – because through their presence, we are stronger, we are smarter and we are all truly invested.
We are a business on the outside, but as soon as you walk through the front doors of NCJA, you will instantly understand that together, we are more than just a place to drop off your child in the morning. We are a safe and secure place; one which fosters an atmosphere of creativity and accountability; to your child and to each other. Without you, our caring and involved parents, we are fragmented. Together, we are whole.
Core Values
We are committed to……
Customer Service - We are committed to pursuing open and engaging lines of communication that will enable us to address the problems and concerns of our parents, as well as receive and consider and point of criticism they may have. We strive to communicate in a professional and kind manner through as many avenues as our various parents deem necessary.
Excellence - We are committed to the pursuit of excellence in our curriculum, our image, and our personnel. We are first and foremost a facility committed to providing quality care. We are committed in the spirit of excellence in our work ethic; our responsibility as educators are our focus and priority in our workday agenda. Our goal is to build a faculty based on their qualifications and personal commitment to excellence rather than simply on their availability. We seek to be first class in all endeavors.
A Spirit of Unity - We are committed to cultivating and maintaining a cooperative spirit amongst our faculty. We will do this through open communication and group fellowship. We strive to function as team, ready to do and accomplish for the greater good of the whole.
Cultural Relevance - We are committed to being culturally relevant in an ever-changing world. We will not lock ourselves in to a traditional way of educating if there is a benefit to be gained through other forums. We strive to remain engaging and up-to-date with our families and their lives.
Being Teachable - We are committed to maintaining a spirit of teachableness. The greatness of a facility can be measured by willingness to learn and implement new ideas, as well as accept and grow through constructive criticism and instruction. We must stay flexible that we may be able to meet the child care needs of the families we partner with. Change is a constant guarantee that we must be ready to embrace and adapt on a daily basis.
A Protective Environment - We are committed to providing a protective environment for our children, both physically, emotionally, and socially. We strive to develop and maintain discipline without damaging the spirit of a child. We recognize the value of confidentiality and strive to protect the privacy of our students.